Stanley Heller
Middle East Crisis Committee, Al-Awda

Paula Abrams-Hourani,
Vienna, Austria 

Dorothy Johnson
New Haven

Effie Khan

Alisa Klein,
Northampton, MA

Ruthann Landon,
Retired Teacher,
Michigan, USA

Julian Lark

Christopher Leadbeater,

Tim Lemmon

Michael Levin PhD,
Musician, USA

Henry N. Lowi,
Toronto, Canada

Lynn Marsh,
Medical Librarian,
Redwood City, CA USA

Rachelle Marshall

Renée Mousset,

Michael R. Napp 

Michael Neumann

Paul David Noursi,
Vienna, VA USA

Paula Panzarella

Frank Panzarella
singer, Middle East Crisis Committee

Sandra Rampertab

Francesca Rizzitiello,

Teri Roney

Tony Rosso
Southern Connecticut State University

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